Storage Vault Cambuslang open one year ahead of schedule

Last Thursday we opened the doors to our newest branch, Storage Vault Cambuslang.
After months of planning and transforming the rather wretched site in Cambuslang, we were tremendously pleased to unveil our modern and high tech self storage and work space facility on Thursday 26th October. One year ahead of schedule!
We celebrated the day in true Storage Vault style with nibbles and fizz, tours of the premises, and a wonderful speech from the City Council leader Susan Aitken.
Over the last few years, there’s been an exponential growth in the demand for highly flexible CoVault workspaces. Our new Storage Vault does not only offer our popular and highly price competitive self storage units, but a whole range of flexible CoVault workspaces for aspiring entrepreneurs and SMEs.
With more than 20 tenants already signed up to our new CoVault work spaces, we expect the site to be buzzing with life and inspiration shortly.
We’d like to thank everyone who attended our little curtain fall, we hope you enjoyed the day as much as we did.
If you are wondering when we’re going to open a Storage Vault near you, why not get in touch?
We’ve got big plans for Glasgow and Scotland, so give us a shout if you want to know if your town is in the plans.