5 Tips to Help You Spring Clean Fast

We’re not quite at flip-flop weather yet, but we bet you’ve already started dusting off the deckchairs?
Organising might be at the bottom of your to-do list, but it doesn’t need to be a nightmare.
Whether you have a spare 5 minutes or 55, we’ve come up with 5 tips to help you spring clean fast, and get the house ready for summer. With any luck, the sun will be out and the Pimms will be chilled by the time you tick each one off your list. Good luck!
If you’ve got 5 minutes: Clean the fridge
Of course, this might depend on the size of fridge you have, but how many times have you opened it, thought ‘huh, this looks a bit gross’ but had to leave it because you’re already in the middle of cooking? And so the cycle goes on..
If you have 5 minutes, you can go through the fridge, dispose of anything that needs to go, clean out shelves and tackle stubborn stains with baking soda. When you think about it, you don’t really want to be leaving the food out the fridge for more than 5 minutes anyway. Just make sure you pay attention to the cleaning products you use (bleach sprays + food = bad idea).
If you’ve got 15 minutes: Freshen up your drains
There’s nothing worse than a slow-draining shower, and whilst this little trick from Apartment Therapy won’t be able to unclog really problematic drains, it will help to maintain them and doesn’t take long.
“Mix up a cup of baking soda with cup of table salt and tip the mix down each drain you want to clean out. Follow that with a cup of vinegar and leave it for 10 minutes. Then flush each one through with hot water. Try blitzing all the sinks at once and then it’ll be much easier to clean your shower/sinks properly when the time comes to tackle that.”
If you’ve got 30 minutes: Pick an area to declutter and spring clean fast
We’ve all got that one spot in the house that has just reached peak clutter and needs urgent attention..
Maybe it’s the kitchen table, the desk, or that drawer that is somehow the home of batteries, broken hairbands, envelopes you might reuse some day and letters that you haven’t filed all at once. Decide what purpose you want this place to have and either bin or relocate everything else. If you’ve got kids and want to tackle their toybox, check out our dedicated guide to decluttering toys.
If you’ve got 45 minutes: Dust those bits that never get any attention
We’re thinking of the top of the bathroom cabinet, the skirting boards and round the back of furniture. Once you start finding all these little cobweb spots, you’ll be on a mission to vanquish them all.
If you’ve got 60 minutes: Spring Clean your Storage/Wardrobes
Some people take a mere ten minutes to scan their wardrobe, identify the pieces they no longer wear and take them to the charity shop. If you are not one of those people, then take comfort in the fact that you certainly aren’t alone. Best tactic is to have a bin bag, a charity bag and a strong will.
Still not got a place for everything? Click here to find out about our storage solutions at Storage Vault and let us help you declutter! We have world-class security, locations in Glasgow and Paisley, and aim to make the process as flexible and straightforward for you as possible. Now, where did we put that Pimms..?
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